Anarchist Black Cross Belarus (ABC-Belarus)

The group supports repressed, arrested and imprisoned anarchists, as well as social activists whose ideas and activities do not contradict the ideas of anarchism in Belarus. Between 2009 and 2022, the group has supported more than 70 activists in various forms: from paying lawyers and other legal expenses to supporting the families and loved ones of repressed people.
"We are not a charity or human rights foundation and provide support primarily based on our political views and goals. Anarchist activists are often ignored by liberal human rights organizations, and repression is considered justified because they violate the laws of a country ruled by dictatorship and police lawlessness. That's why it was important for us to create an activist organization that would be dedicated to supporting comrades regardless of any external political factors."
Radical theory and practice

A publishing cooperative where relationships are horizontal and decisions are made by consensus.
"By publishing books on the history of liberation movements, social and environmental initiatives, alternative economic models and political prisoners, we try to inspire activists to do new things and push our society towards social transformation."
Solidarity Collectives

A group of Ukrainian anarchists helping comrades at the front and people affected by the Russian invasion.
"Our main goal is to provide the fighters who have gone to the front with all the necessary equipment to increase their safety and effectiveness in resisting the Russian imperial invasion. Currently, we are supporting about a hundred anti-authoritarians. Since the beginning of the war, we have already managed to deliver 5 vehicles, 20 helmets, 30 armor, 50 first aid kits, 5 drones, 30 radios, 100+ sets of clothing, sights, equipment, active headphones and much, much more.
Resistance Committee

Resistance Committee - is a platform for dialog and coordination of anarchist, libertarian and anti-authoritarian initiatives.
"We are convinced that Ukraine and the whole of Eastern Europe should be free from dictatorship. Freedom, solidarity and equality should become the most important principles of social organization in the region.
Our task is to unite the efforts of those fighting authoritarianism to effectively fight for our ideals and values. To influence the fate of Ukraine and the entire region, to preserve the freedoms that have already been gained, and to promote their expansion."

Pramen (Rus. Luch) is a collective and information resource of social-revolutionary anarchist direction.
"We look at the events that take place in the world not through the prism of looking for cheap sensations, but from the point of view of the class struggle. Considering social, economic and political conflicts we always stand on the side of the oppressed against the oppressors, in favor of building an anarchist society. No form of discrimination is acceptable to us, we oppose the state, capital and any other form of exploitation of man by man. Our goal is, first of all, to bring the truth about the events in Belarus to the public and to contribute to the struggle of society and the individual for their rights, for universal liberation."